Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A new level with Serbian or Croatian or Bosnian or Montenigrian

I past a real milestone the other day in terms of my ability at Serbian or Croatian or whateverthehell you want to call this language. I was paying the bill yesterday in Vrbnik on Krk and asked after paying if he could give me some change to pay for the #@$%^& parking machines that only take small coins. Somebody sitting at the bar said (in Croatian): why do you want to pay for a ticket, I know the guys and they hardly ever check? I then politely said that last year we were (#$%^&) clamped after being 20 minutes late to pay a ticket and he said, to my astonishment, "don't worry, I'll tell him that we should be nice to Slovenians".

I passed this milestone in German about two years ago when somebody asked if I was Dutch, but whey-hey, I did it in Croatian! Ja sam kod kuće! Well sort of anyway. I think the minute somebody mistakes you for somebody who almost speaks the same language is a great milestone. Viva Slovenia!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! It took me a while to get to that almost-native-sounding status as an English speaker. People usually thought I had a vague Scottish accent, lol. I was fine with it as long as I didn't sound like a stereotypical Eastern European movie character with a bad over-the-top Count Chocula accent. :)

Holly said...

Awesome! good for you :) Quite the accomplishment. I speak Croatian like a mentally challenged preschooler, so there's not much hope I'll ever be mistaken for anything but an American married to a Croat.